Prep Time: 5 Min Cook Time: 4 Hours Total Time: 4 Hours 10 Minutes Temp: High
Servings: 4 People
- 4 Chicken Breasts
- 1 Packet Ranch Dressing Mix (I used Reiga Brand from Bens Meats)
- 8 oz Cream Cheese
- 1 Cup of Chicken Broth (I used Imagine Organic Brand from Bens Meats)
- Put the Chicken Breasts into your crockpot and sprinkle the ranch seasoning on top fully coating it.
- Next place the cream cheese ontop left whole and in a block. (Dont spread it around it will melt and get mixed in at the end)
- Pour the chicken broth around the chicken making sure not to rinse the seasoning off the chicken.
- Cover crockpot and cook on high for 3-4 hours OR low for 6-7 hours.
- When all done shred the chicken and mix everything together.
- Serve!
- You can add potatoes or vegetables to the crockpot to for a complete meal!
- Leftovers last 3-4 days in the fridge
- This meal freezes well.