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GF Chocolate Christmas Trees

1 min read

Prep Time: 10 Min     Cook Time: 0 Min    Total Time:  10 Min


  • Milka Chocolate Bar (I used Alpine Milk and White Chocolate)
  • Sprinkles of your choice
  • Treat Sticks
  • Cookie Icing (optional)



  1. Boil water (enough to submerge your chocolate bar).
  2. Put the chocolate bar still in the wrapper in the boiling water and leave it in until the chocolate is fully melted.
  3. Prep your area where you will be making the trees and get your sticks layed out on parchment paper over a cooking tray.
  4. Using tongs pull out the chocolate bar and pat dry on paper towel.
  5. Once you are able to touch the chocolate bar cut the corner off and pour over the stick in a tree shape.
  6. Decorate it acording to preference.
  7. Let cool in fridge until solid.




  • You can use any kind of chocolate for new flavours. (Bens Meats carries varying flavours)
  • You can top with other garnishes like marshmellows, chocolate chips, candy canes ect.


  • if you want to ensure that the chocolate stays on the stick twist the stick while the chocolate is still wet.
  • One chocolate bar yeilds about three trees but its dependant on the size that you want your trees to be.